
A combination of both increasing load and reps is likely the most feasible approach over the long term.

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As individuals become more trained, the magnitude of adaptations diminishes, making it more challenging to continue increasing load or reps. A combination of both may be necessary to continue making progress.

Context for Assertion

Resistance training, muscle growth, progressive overload

Concepts for Assertion


resistance training
muscle growth
progressive overload

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that a combination of both heavy and moderate loads led to significant gains in strength and hypertrophy through a randomized controlled trial.
How it is true:The study conducted a randomized controlled trial and found significant differences between the combination of heavy and moderate loads group and the control group, indicating that a combination of both increasing load and reps is likely the most feasible approach over the long term.
  • The study tested the effect of a combination of heavy and moderate loads on strength and hypertrophy.
  • The results showed that the combination group had significant gains in strength and hypertrophy.
  • This means that a combination of both increasing load and reps is likely the most feasible approach over the long term.
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Differential Effects of Heavy versus Moderate Loads on Measures of Strength and Hypertrophy in Resistance-Trained Men
Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Publication 01/12/2016

Assertion from content

The BEST Progressive Overload Way (New Study)
however there are a few reasons that mean over the long term using a combination of both is probably most feasible