
Believing that a training program is personalized can lead to greater gains in strength and muscle thickness.

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This assertion is based on a study that found athletes who were told their training program was individualized experienced greater gains in back squat strength and muscle thickness of the rectus femoris, despite the training program being the same for all participants. This suggests that the belief in a personalized program can have a positive impact on physical performance.

Context for Assertion

The study involved 40 athletes who were trained for 10 weeks, with one group being told their program was individualized and the other group being told it was a generic program.

Concepts for Assertion

Placebo effect

A phenomenon where a person experiences a positive outcome due to their belief in a treatment or intervention.


placebo effect
physical performance

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that athletes who believed their program was individualized experienced greater gains in strength and muscle thickness.
How it is true:The study provides primary evidence for the assertion, with a significant difference in gains between the two groups.
  • The study tested the claim by giving athletes a training program and telling one group it was individualized.
  • The group that believed their program was individualized had greater gains in strength and muscle thickness.
  • This means that the belief in a personalized program can have a positive impact on physical performance.
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Study Type:Human Study
Expert Opinion/Editorial
Publication 01/01/1970

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