
Cheat reps and strict reps have similar effects on muscle hypertrophy.

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The study found that both cheat reps and strict reps resulted in similar increases in muscle thickness, suggesting that the use of external momentum does not hinder hypertrophy. This is a significant finding, as it challenges the conventional wisdom that strict reps are necessary for optimal muscle growth.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is a study on untrained individuals who performed unilateral dumbbell curls and push downs with either cheat reps or strict reps.

Concepts for Assertion

Muscle hypertrophy

The increase in size of muscle fibers.

Cheat reps

Reps that use external momentum to lift the weight.

Strict reps

Reps that use only the strength of the muscle to lift the weight.


muscle hypertrophy
cheat reps
strict reps

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found similar increases in muscle thickness between both conditions, which suggests that the use of external momentum does not hinder hypertrophy.
How it is true:The study conducted an experimental design with untrained individuals, which provides strong evidence for the assertion.
  • The study tested the claim by having participants perform either cheat reps or strict reps.
  • They found similar increases in muscle thickness between both conditions.
  • This means that the use of external momentum does not hinder hypertrophy.
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Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Publication 01/01/1970

Assertion from content

We Have a Study on Cheat Reps (Finally)
The study found that increases in all regions were similar between both conditions.