
Dumbbell and cable lateral raises are similarly effective for side delt hypertrophy.

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The assertion is made based on a study that compared the effects of dumbbell and cable lateral raises on side delt hypertrophy in trained individuals. The study found that both exercises resulted in similar growth in the side delts, suggesting that they are equally effective for this purpose.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is a study on resistance training and muscle hypertrophy, specifically focusing on the side delts.

Concepts for Assertion


resistance training
muscle hypertrophy
side delts

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found similar growth in the side delts between both exercises, supporting the assertion.
How it is true:The study conducted an experimental design, randomly assigning subjects to either dumbbell or cable lateral raises, and found similar results between the two groups.
  • The study tested the claim by having subjects perform either dumbbell or cable lateral raises.
  • They found similar growth in the side delts between both groups.
  • This means that both exercises are equally effective for side delt hypertrophy.
73 / 100
Dumbbell versus cable lateral raises for lateral deltoid hypertrophy: an experimental study
Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Publication 01/01/2024

Assertion from content

We Have to Talk About Lateral Raises
The researchers had subjects use cuffs to minimize grip fatigue and found that growth in both regions was similar between both exercises.