Green tea can increase fat oxidation during exercise, particularly for longer duration exercises.
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Green tea contains antioxidants and caffeine, which can help increase fat oxidation during exercise. The antioxidants in green tea may help reduce oxidative stress and improve exercise performance, while the caffeine can increase energy and enhance fat mobilization.
Context for Assertion
The use of natural sources of caffeine and antioxidants to enhance exercise performance and fat loss.
Concepts for Assertion
green tea
fat oxidation
Evidence for Assertion
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that green tea can increase fat oxidation during exercise, as measured by changes in body composition and exercise performance.
How it is true:The study conducted a randomized controlled trial and found a significant increase in fat oxidation with green tea consumption, demonstrating a causal relationship between green tea consumption and increased fat oxidation.
- The study tested the effect of green tea on fat oxidation during exercise by measuring changes in body composition and exercise performance.
- The results showed a significant increase in fat oxidation with green tea consumption.
- This means that green tea can help increase fat oxidation during exercise by reducing oxidative stress and improving exercise performance.
69 / 100
Study Type:Human Study
Randomized Controlled Trial
Physiological Reports
Publication 01/01/2023
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
- The researchers included overweight men in their study.
- The participants exercised while consuming either green tea extract or a placebo.
- They measured fat oxidation rates during exercise.
- The results showed no significant difference in fat oxidation between the two groups.
- This means green tea extract does not aid in fat oxidation as claimed.
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Study Type:Other Study
Review Article
Publication 27/04/2017