High protein intake can help with weight loss and satiety.
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The text explains that high protein intake can help with weight loss and satiety because it stimulates the release of hormones that help regulate appetite and metabolism. This assertion highlights a potential solution to the obesity problem.
Context for Assertion
The context of this assertion is the discussion about the importance of protein intake for weight loss and satiety.
Concepts for Assertion
protein intake
weight loss
Evidence for Assertion
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that high protein intake is associated with greater weight loss and improved satiety, which supports the assertion that high protein intake can help with weight loss and satiety.
How it is true:The study conducted a systematic review and meta-regression of existing literature and found that high protein intake is associated with greater weight loss and improved satiety, which suggests that high protein intake can be an effective strategy for weight loss and satiety.
- The study reviewed existing literature on protein intake and weight loss.
- The study found that high protein intake is associated with greater weight loss and improved satiety.
- This means that high protein intake can help with weight loss and satiety by stimulating the release of hormones that help regulate appetite and metabolism.
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Study Type:Human Study
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Frontiers in Endocrinology
Publication 28/02/2012
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
- The study tested if eating more protein helps people lose weight.
- They looked at how much people ate after increasing their protein.
- They found that people didn't lose weight and sometimes ate more.
- This means that just eating more protein might not help with weight loss.
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Study Type:Human Study
Review Article
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
Publication 01/11/2013