
Higher set numbers may build more muscle, but strength gains may be maximized with lower set numbers.

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The text explains that higher set numbers may build more muscle, but strength gains may be maximized with lower set numbers. This is because higher set numbers can lead to increased muscle growth, but may not necessarily translate to increased strength.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is the discussion of set volume and its effects on muscle growth and strength.

Concepts for Assertion


set volume
muscle growth
strength gains

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that higher set numbers were associated with increased muscle growth, but lower set numbers were associated with increased strength gains, which directly supports the assertion.
How it is true:The study conducted a meta-analysis of multiple studies and found significant results, which proves the assertion.
  • The study analyzed multiple studies to test the claim.
  • They found that higher set numbers were associated with increased muscle growth.
  • They also found that lower set numbers were associated with increased strength gains.
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The Resistance Training Dose-Response: Meta-Regressions Exploring the Eÿtects of Weekly Volume and Frequency on Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gain
Study Type:Human Study
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Unknown Journal

Assertion from content

The Most IMPORTANT Muscle Building Studies from 2024
The text states that 'how many sets should you perform this year we saw the largest analysis on this to date generally suggesting higher set numbers build more muscle but fascinatingly strength strength gains were maximized with much lower set numbers'