Increasing fiber intake can help with satiety and weight loss.
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The text explains that increasing fiber intake can help with satiety and weight loss because it helps regulate appetite and metabolism. This assertion highlights a potential solution to the obesity problem.
Context for Assertion
The context of this assertion is the discussion about the importance of fiber intake for satiety and weight loss.
Concepts for Assertion
fiber intake
weight loss
Evidence for Assertion
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that increasing fiber intake is associated with greater satiety and weight loss, which supports the assertion that increasing fiber intake can help with satiety and weight loss.
How it is true:The study conducted a review of existing literature and found that increasing fiber intake is associated with greater satiety and weight loss, which suggests that increasing fiber intake can be an effective strategy for weight loss and satiety.
- The study reviewed existing literature on fiber intake and weight loss.
- The study found that increasing fiber intake is associated with greater satiety and weight loss.
- This means that increasing fiber intake can help with satiety and weight loss by helping regulate appetite and metabolism.
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Study Type:Human Study
Review Article
Nature Reviews Genetics
Publication 01/02/2022