
Kale has a high antioxidant capacity and may help reduce cognitive decline.

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Kale has been found to have a high antioxidant capacity, with a total antioxidant capacity of 2.7 milles per 100 gram serving. Additionally, kale contains a compound called cerin, which has been shown to have potential cognitive benefits. The high antioxidant capacity of kale can help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cognitive decline.

Context for Assertion

The discussion of kale as a longevity-promoting vegetable is based on its high antioxidant capacity and potential cognitive benefits.

Concepts for Assertion


cognitive decline

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that consuming leafy green vegetables, such as kale, was associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline.
How it is true:The study provides evidence for the potential cognitive benefits of kale, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.
  • The study tested the claim by analyzing the cognitive function of individuals who consumed leafy green vegetables.
  • They found that consuming leafy green vegetables was associated with a reduced risk of cognitive decline.
  • This means that kale may be a useful addition to a healthy diet for promoting cognitive health and reducing the risk of cognitive decline.
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Leafy Vegetables and Cognitive Decline
Study Type:Human Study
Cohort Study
Publication 01/01/2023

Assertion from content

10 Vegetables with the Most Scientific Promise for Longevity and Reversing Aging
now hear me out on this I'm not going to start munching Kale like a total weirdo what I really would suggest you do is cook it