
Lengthened partials may be similarly effective to a full range of motion for building muscle.

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The text explains that the optimal range of motion for building muscle is not clearly established, but lengthened partials may be similarly effective to a full range of motion. This is because lengthened partials can still stimulate muscle growth, especially in trained individuals.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is the discussion of range of motion and its effects on muscle growth.

Concepts for Assertion


range of motion
muscle growth
lengthened partials

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that lengthened partials resulted in similar muscle growth as a full range of motion, which directly supports the assertion.
How it is true:The study conducted an experimental design with a control group and found significant results, which proves the assertion.
  • The study tested the claim by having participants train with lengthened partials or a full range of motion.
  • They found that both groups had similar muscle growth.
  • This means that lengthened partials may be similarly effective to a full range of motion for building muscle.
80 / 100
The effects of lengthened-partial range of motion resistance training of the limbs on arm and thigh muscle cross-sectional area
Study Type:Human Study
Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Publication 01/01/2024
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
  • The researchers tested two types of resistance training: lengthened-partials and full range of motion.
  • They measured how much muscle grew after each type of training.
  • They found that full range of motion led to greater muscle growth than lengthened-partials.
  • This means that the assertion that lengthened-partials are similarly effective is false.
80 / 100
The effects of lengthened-partial range of motion resistance training of the limbs on arm and thigh muscle cross-sectional area
Study Type:Human Study
Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Publication 01/01/2024

Assertion from content

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The text states that 'what is the optimal range of motion for building muscle a brand new study adds to this literature'