Muscles do not always grow evenly across their regions.
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The text explains that multiple scientific studies demonstrate muscles do not always grow evenly across their regions, and there are potentially two key takeaways. Many are probably unaware of this fascinating data, and it may have implications for developing an overall aesthetic physique.
Context for Assertion
The context of this assertion is muscle growth and development, specifically the idea that muscles can grow unevenly across different regions.
Concepts for Assertion
Regional muscle hypertrophy
The growth of muscle tissue in specific regions of the body, rather than evenly across the entire muscle.
Range of motion
The extent of movement in a joint or series of joints, measured in degrees of a circle.
muscle growth
regional hypertrophy
exercise science
Evidence for Assertion
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that full range of motion was better for distal region growth, supporting the assertion that muscles do not always grow evenly across their regions.
How it is true:The study conducted a randomized controlled trial and found significant differences in muscle growth between the full range of motion and partial range of motion groups.
- The study tested the claim by comparing full range of motion to partial range of motion at short lengths on the leg extension.
- They found that full range of motion was better for distal region growth.
- This means that the claim that muscles do not always grow evenly across their regions is supported by the study's findings.
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that partial range of motion training elicited regionalized muscular adaptations in elbow flexors, supporting the assertion that muscles do not always grow evenly across their regions.
How it is true:The study conducted a randomized controlled trial and found significant differences in muscle growth between the partial range of motion training and full range of motion training groups.
- The study tested the claim by comparing partial range of motion training to full range of motion training on elbow flexors.
- They found that partial range of motion training elicited regionalized muscular adaptations in elbow flexors.
- This means that the claim that muscles do not always grow evenly across their regions is supported by the study's findings.
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Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Publication 01/01/2022
Why relevant:
Why true:The study investigates how different regions of muscles activate during resistance exercises and how this affects hypertrophy, directly supporting the assertion.
How it is true:This is a primary study that found regional differences in muscle activation lead to uneven hypertrophic responses.
- The study examined muscle activation during one session of resistance exercise.
- It found that certain regions of the muscles were activated more than others.
- This uneven activation contributed to different levels of muscle growth in those regions.
- This means muscles do not grow evenly across their regions.
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
- The study looked at how muscles grow when doing different exercises.
- They found that certain exercises make specific parts of a muscle grow more than others.
- This shows that muscle growth is not always even across the muscle.
- Therefore, the assertion that muscles do not always grow evenly is correct.
Why relevant:
Why true:This study shows how different types of exercises lead to varying muscle growth patterns in specific regions.
How it is true:This is a primary study that examines how exercise type leads to differing hypertrophy patterns in muscles.
- The researchers compared muscle growth from different types of exercises.
- They found some exercises resulted in greater growth in certain parts of the muscle than others.
- This shows that not all parts of a muscle respond equally to training.
- Thus, muscles do not grow evenly across their regions.