
Perilipin is a protein that protects fat from being broken down by hormone-sensitive lipase.

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The text explains that perilipin is a protein that hangs out on the lipid droplet and protects the fat from being broken down by hormone-sensitive lipase. However, when epinephrine is released, it disarms perilipin, allowing hormone-sensitive lipase to break down the fat.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is the explanation of how fasting affects the body's fat-burning processes.

Concepts for Assertion


hormone-sensitive lipase

Evidence for Assertion

No evidence yet.

Assertion from content

This is When Fat Loss Starts with Intermittent Fasting (lose belly fat 101)
now I know I'm getting kind of complicated again but it's all going to make sense Peril lippin are these little proteins that hang out on the lipid droplet it hangs out on the fat and its job is to protect the fat