The body has a specific fat-burning enzyme called hormone-sensitive lipase.
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The text explains that hormone-sensitive lipase is the root of fat burning and is already present in the body, but needs to be activated. This enzyme is crucial for breaking down triglycerides into individual fatty acids, which can then be used for energy.
Context for Assertion
The context of this assertion is the explanation of how fasting affects the body's fat-burning processes.
Concepts for Assertion
fat burning
hormone-sensitive lipase
Evidence for Assertion
No evidence yet.
Assertion from content
This is When Fat Loss Starts with Intermittent Fasting (lose belly fat 101)
“I don't care who you are you already come equipped with the ability to burn fat you already have the one specific fat burning enzyme in your body it's already there it just has to get turned on okay it's called hormone sensitive lipase and it is the absolute root of fat burning”