The fermentation process in sourdough bread changes the surface structure of gluten proteins, making them less recognizable to the immune system and potentially less problematic for those with gluten sensitivities.
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The fermentation process involves the action of microorganisms that break down some of the gluten proteins, altering their structure and potentially reducing their immunogenicity. This could make sourdough bread a better option for those with gluten sensitivities or intolerances.
Context for Assertion
The context of this assertion is the discussion of gluten sensitivities and how the fermentation process in sourdough bread might affect the gluten proteins.
Concepts for Assertion
sourdough bread
gluten sensitivity
Evidence for Assertion
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that the fermentation process involved the action of microorganisms that broke down gluten proteins.
How it is true:The study conducted an experiment where they analyzed the proteomic changes during sourdough fermentation.
- The study analyzed the proteins present during sourdough fermentation.
- They found that the microorganisms involved in fermentation broke down some of the gluten proteins.
- This alteration of gluten proteins could make them less recognizable to the immune system.
5 / 100
Study Type:In Vitro Study
Experimental Study
In Vitro
Publication 09/11/2021
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
- The study examined how sourdough fermentation changes gluten peptides.
- They found that fermentation altered the protein structure, reducing its ability to trigger an immune response.
- This means the claim that gluten becomes more problematic for sensitive individuals does not hold true.
9 / 100
Study Type:Animal Study
Experimental Study
Publication 29/08/2021
Why relevant:
Why true:This study found that sourdough fermentation alters the immunogenic properties of gluten proteins, making them less recognizable to the immune system.
How it is true:The paper conducted a study showing the effect of sourdough fermentation on gluten digestion and immunogenic peptide release.
- The researchers tested how sourdough fermentation changes gluten proteins.
- They found that fermentation altered the structure of these proteins.
- This change makes the gluten less likely to trigger an immune response.
- Therefore, sourdough bread might be easier for sensitive individuals to tolerate.
9 / 100
Study Type:Animal Study
Experimental Study
Publication 29/08/2021
Why relevant:
Why true:This research demonstrates how fermentation leads to changes in the protein structure of wheat, resulting in reduced immunoreactivity.
How it is true:The study provides evidence from experiments on wheat proteins before and after sourdough fermentation.
- The study looked at how sourdough fermentation affects wheat proteins.
- They discovered that the fermentation process alters the structure of these proteins.
- As a result, the immune system is less likely to recognize and react to them.
- This shows why sourdough might be a better option for those with gluten sensitivities.
3 / 100
Study Type:In Vitro Study
Experimental Study
In Vitro
Publication 01/01/2023
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
- The researchers tested how sourdough fermentation affects gluten proteins.
- They discovered that fermentation breaks down harmful gluten components.
- This implies gluten is less likely to cause issues for sensitive people.
4 / 100
Study Type:In Vitro Study
Experimental Study
In Vitro
Publication 01/01/2023