Time-restricted eating can improve glycemic control, even in individuals who are less active.
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This assertion is based on a study that found that time-restricted eating can improve glycemic control, even in individuals who are less active. This is likely due to the fact that time-restricted eating can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
Context for Assertion
The study found that time-restricted eating can improve glycemic control, even in individuals who are less active.
Concepts for Assertion
time-restricted eating
glycemic control
physical activity
Evidence for Assertion
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that time-restricted eating can improve glycemic control, even in individuals who are less active, supporting the assertion.
How it is true:The study provides primary evidence for the potential benefits of time-restricted eating for improving glycemic control, even in individuals who are less active.
- The study tested the claim by analyzing data from individuals who engaged in time-restricted eating.
- They found that time-restricted eating can improve glycemic control, even in individuals who are less active.
- This means that time-restricted eating may be an effective strategy for improving glycemic control, even for individuals who may not be able to engage in regular physical activity.
74 / 100
Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Current Biology
Publication 29/06/2015
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
- The study recruited less active individuals to see how time-restricted eating affected their blood sugar levels.
- They compared those who practiced time-restricted eating to those who did not.
- They found no significant improvement in glycemic control for those who followed time-restricted eating.
- This indicates that time-restricted eating may not be beneficial in improving blood sugar levels for less active people as claimed.
42 / 100
Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Publication 01/01/2020
Assertion from content
7200 Person Study Finds Easiest Way to Reduce Belly Fat and Insulin Resistance
“what was really interesting was that the usual eating pattern group the group that just did Regular caloric restriction not a Consolidated leading block they started out at 103.7 kg whereas the other group started out at 95 kg”