
Training status can affect fat loss, with individuals having a higher VO2 max burning more fat at higher intensities.

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The text explains that a study found that people with a higher VO2 max, a measure of aerobic fitness, were able to burn more fat at a higher intensity than those with a lower VO2 max. This suggests that training status can affect fat loss.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is a study that compared the effects of training status on fat loss.

Concepts for Assertion

Training status

A measure of an individual's level of physical fitness and training.

VO2 max

A measure of aerobic fitness that indicates the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during intense exercise.


training status
fat loss
aerobic fitness

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that people with a higher VO2 max were able to burn more fat at a higher intensity.
How it is true:The study provides observational evidence that training status can affect fat loss, but it is not a randomized controlled trial, so the evidence is not as strong.
  • The study tested the claim by measuring the VO2 max of participants.
  • They found that people with a higher VO2 max were able to burn more fat at a higher intensity.
  • This means that training status can affect fat loss.
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Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Publication 01/01/1970
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
  • The study tested how well different people could burn fat based on their fitness levels.
  • They found that those with higher VO2 max burned more fat, but mainly when exercising at moderate levels.
  • This means that the idea that a higher VO2 max leads to burning more fat at high intensities is not supported; instead, high intensities may lead to more carbohydrate use.
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Study Type:Human Study
Expert Opinion/Editorial
Publication 01/01/1970
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that higher VO2 max is associated with greater fat oxidation at higher exercise intensities.
How it is true:The paper conducted a study measuring the fat oxidation rates in relation to different training statuses.
  • The researchers looked at athletes with different training levels.
  • They measured how much fat these athletes burned during different intensities of exercise.
  • They found that athletes with higher VO2 max burned more fat when exercising at higher intensities.
  • This means that having a higher VO2 max helps in burning more fat during exercise.
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Study Type:Human Study
Expert Opinion/Editorial
Publication 01/01/1970

Assertion from content

The End of Belly Fat: New Study Proves You CAN Target Belly Fat Specifically
People with a higher V2 Max they ended up having a higher level of fat oxidation maximum threshold.