Training to failure is crucial for maximizing muscle fiber recruitment and tension, but stopping one to two reps short of failure may be sufficient for hypertrophy.
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The text explains that training to failure is important for muscle growth, but it may not be necessary to always train to failure. Stopping one to two reps short of failure may be enough to stimulate muscle growth, especially when performing a higher number of sets. This assertion is based on the idea that training to failure is important for maximizing muscle fiber recruitment and tension, but it may not be necessary to always train to failure.
Context for Assertion
The context of this assertion is the discussion of training variables for maximizing hypertrophy.
Concepts for Assertion
training to failure
muscle growth
Evidence for Assertion
Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that training to failure resulted in similar quadriceps hypertrophy as stopping one to two reps short of failure, which directly supports the assertion.
How it is true:The study conducted an experimental design with a control group and found significant results, which proves the assertion.
- The study tested the claim by having participants train to failure or stop one to two reps short of failure.
- They found that both groups had similar muscle growth.
- This means that stopping one to two reps short of failure may be enough to stimulate muscle growth.
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Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Publication 01/01/2023