
You don't need a lot of carbohydrates to sustain long activity, and all you need is 3-4 grams of carbohydrates every 20 minutes to prevent hypoglycemia.

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The guest explains that research has shown that you don't need a lot of carbohydrates to sustain long activity, and that 3-4 grams of carbohydrates every 20 minutes is sufficient to prevent hypoglycemia.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is about understanding the role of carbohydrates in sustaining long activity and preventing hypoglycemia.

Concepts for Assertion



Evidence for Assertion

No evidence yet.

Assertion from content

The World’s Top Fat Loss & Muscle Building Experts Convinced me of These 13 Things This Year
We've learned now that when we are training, when we are working out, even with long workouts, we don't need a whole lot of carbohydrates to sustain long activity.