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How Many Reps for Muscle Growth? (40+ Studies)

By House of Hypertrophy

Our Score

50 / 100
0 / 100

Main point

The optimal rep range for building muscle is not limited to a specific range, and a variety of rep ranges can be effective when training to or near failure.


  • Muscle growth can happen with different numbers of reps
  • You don't have to do the same number of reps every time
  • Some people might grow muscle better with more reps, and some with less
  • It's okay to try different rep ranges and see what works best for you
  • Training to failure is not always necessary, especially with higher reps


Research suggests that muscle hypertrophy can be achieved through a wide range of rep ranges, from 6 to 35 reps, with similar growth across different loads when training to or near failure. Five meta-analyses have compared high versus low training for muscle hypertrophy, finding similar growth across a wide range of loads. However, some studies suggest that very low reps (less than 5-6 reps) may not be as effective for building muscle, while others find that higher reps (above 35 reps) can still produce similar hypertrophy. The key takeaway is that the optimal rep range for building muscle is not as clear-cut as previously thought, and individual differences may play a role. Additionally, training to failure may not be necessary for higher reps, and stopping a few reps short of failure can still be effective. Overall, the evidence suggests that a variety of rep ranges can be effective for building muscle, and the best approach may depend on individual preferences and goals. Helpful pieces of knowledge to readers include training with a variety of rep ranges, not being afraid to experiment with higher reps, and considering individual differences when creating a training program.

Evidence from Author

The main Assertions by importance (3)

  • A wide range of reps, from 6 to 35, can be effective for building muscle.

    ( 1 ) 18/100

    Explained:The assertion is made based on the findings of several meta-analyses and studies that compared the effects of different rep ranges on muscle hypertrophy. The studies found that there is no significant difference in muscle growth between different rep ranges, as long as the training is taken to failure.

    Context:The context of this assertion is the debate about the optimal rep range for building muscle, with some arguing that lower reps are better for strength and higher reps are better for hypertrophy.

    At: 2:44:

    "The majority of studies have subjects get to or at least very close to failure with a given load, for a higher load this will result in fewer reps, while for a lighter load this will result in a higher number of reps."

    Evidence (1)
    18 / 100
    From Author
    Why true:The study combined the results of multiple trials to determine the effect of different rep ranges on muscle hypertrophy, and found that there is no significant difference in muscle growth between different rep ranges, as long as the training is taken to failure.
    How it is true:The study provides evidence from multiple trials, making it a reliable source of information.
    • The study combined the results of multiple trials to determine the effect of different rep ranges on muscle hypertrophy.
    • The results showed that there is no significant difference in muscle growth between different rep ranges, as long as the training is taken to failure.
    • This means that a wide range of reps can be effective for building muscle, as long as the training is taken to failure.
    Strength and hypertrophy adaptations between low- vs. high-load resistance training: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Study Type:Human Study
    Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    J Strength Cond Res
    Publication 01/12/2017
  • Training to failure is important for building muscle, but it may not be necessary to reach complete failure for every set.

    ( 1 ) 57/100

    Explained:The assertion is made based on the findings of several studies that compared the effects of training to failure versus not training to failure on muscle hypertrophy. The studies found that training to failure is important for building muscle, but it may not be necessary to reach complete failure for every set.

    Context:The context of this assertion is the debate about the importance of training to failure for building muscle, with some arguing that it is necessary to reach complete failure for every set.

    At: 16:30:

    "Leaving a few reps in a reserve may produce similar hypertrophy to training to failure."

    Evidence (1)
    57 / 100
    From Author
    Why true:The study found that training to failure is important for building muscle, but it may not be necessary to reach complete failure for every set, by comparing the effects of different training protocols on muscle hypertrophy.
    How it is true:The study provides evidence from a controlled trial, making it a reliable source of information.
    • The study compared the effects of training to failure versus not training to failure on muscle hypertrophy.
    • The results showed that training to failure is important for building muscle, but it may not be necessary to reach complete failure for every set.
    • This means that training to failure is important for building muscle, but
    The effects of a protocol employing a combination of loading zones vs. one employing a constant medium-repetition loading zone on muscular adaptations in resistance-trained men
    Study Type:Human Study
    Experimental Study
    Journal Name
    Publication 01/01/2023
  • Higher reps may cause more damage and take longer to recover from than lower reps.

    ( 1 ) 77/100

    Explained:The assertion is made based on the findings of a study that compared the effects of higher and lower reps on muscle damage and recovery. The study found that higher reps caused more damage and took longer to recover from than lower reps.

    Context:The context of this assertion is the debate about the optimal rep range for building muscle, with some arguing that higher reps are better for hypertrophy but may cause more damage.

    At: 15:16:

    "There's evidence that higher repetitions cause more damage and take longer to recover from versus lower repetitions."

    Evidence (1)
    77 / 100
    From Author
    Why true:The study found that higher reps caused more damage and took longer to recover from than lower reps, by measuring muscle damage and recovery after different rep ranges.
    How it is true:The study provides evidence from a controlled trial, making it a reliable source of information.
    • The study compared the effects of higher and lower reps on muscle damage and recovery.
    • The results showed that higher reps caused more damage and took longer to recover from than lower reps.
    • This means that higher reps may have different effects on muscle damage and recovery than lower reps.
    Resistance Training-Induced Changes in Integrated Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Are Related to Hypertrophy Only After Attenuation of Muscle Damage
    Study Type:Human Study
    Experimental Study
    Journal of Applied Physiology
    Publication 18/01/2018