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The End of Belly Fat: New Study Proves You CAN Target Belly Fat Specifically
By Thomas DeLauerOur Score
39 / 100
0 / 100
Main point
Spot reduction may be possible when combining cardio with exercises that target the desired area, especially in individuals who are leaner and more trained.
- When you do exercises that target a specific area, like your core, you can increase blood flow to that area
- Increased blood flow can help you burn more fat in that area
- Combining cardio with exercises that target a specific area may help with spot reduction
- As you get leaner and more trained, it becomes easier to spot reduce fat in specific areas
- Exercises like hanging leg raises can help increase blood flow and mobilize fat in the desired area
Research suggests that spot reduction, or losing fat in a specific area of the body, may be possible when combining cardio with exercises that target the desired area. A study found that participants who did cardio and abdominal exercises burned 2.5 times more fat in their trunk area compared to those who only did cardio. The study's findings suggest that adding exercises that target a specific area, such as the core, to a cardio routine may help with spot reduction. Additionally, factors such as training status, blood flow, and glycogen depletion may also play a role in spot reduction. As individuals get leaner and more trained, it becomes more plausible that they can spot reduce fat in specific areas. However, it's essential to note that spot reduction is not a guarantee and may not work for everyone, especially those who are severely overweight. Including exercises that increase blood flow and mobilize fat in the desired area, such as hanging leg raises, may be beneficial for spot reduction. It's also important to consider that women may have a harder time losing fat in certain areas due to hormonal differences. Overall, the key to spot reduction may lie in a combination of cardio, targeted exercises, and a leaner, more trained physique.
Evidence from Author
- 63 / 100Abdominal aerobic endurance exercise reveals spot reduction exists: A randomized controlled trial
- 13 / 100None
- 0 / 100None
- 0 / 100None
- 0 / 100None
The main Assertions by importance (4)
Targeted exercise and cardio can lead to spot reduction of fat in specific areas of the body.
( 2 ) 63/100( 1 ) 13/100Explained:The assertion is based on a study that found participants who performed abdominal exercises in addition to cardio burned 2.5 times more trunk fat than those who only did cardio, despite both groups having the same total energy expenditure. This challenges the long-held belief that fat loss is uniform and not targeted to specific areas.
Context:The context of this assertion is within the discussion of fat loss and exercise, specifically focusing on the abdominal region. It is crucial to understand the mechanisms behind fat loss and how different types of exercise can influence this process.
At: 5:48:
"The group that did the abdominal exercises in addition to the cardio ended up burning two 2.5 times more trunk fat than the group that just did the cardio but the total amount of fat that they lost was the same"
Evidence (3)
63 / 100From Author
Why true:The study's findings support the assertion by showing a significant difference in trunk fat loss between the group that performed abdominal exercises with cardio and the group that only did cardio.
How it is true:The study conducted a randomized controlled trial, which is a high level of evidence, and found that the group performing abdominal exercises with cardio burned 2.5 times more trunk fat than the cardio-only group.
- The study tested the claim by having two groups of participants: one that did cardio only and another that did cardio plus abdominal exercises.
- They found that the group doing both cardio and abdominal exercises lost significantly more fat in the abdominal area.
- This means that targeted exercise can lead to spot reduction of fat, supporting the assertion.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:10.1186/1550-2783-10-39
Randomized Controlled TrialHumann=16p≤0.05Physiological ReportsPublication 01/01/202363 / 100AI Research
Why true:The study showed that participants who performed abdominal exercises in addition to cardio had a more significant reduction in trunk fat compared to those who did cardio alone.
How it is true:The paper conducted a randomized controlled trial and found evidence supporting the existence of spot reduction. Participants demonstrated a higher percentage of fat loss in the trunk area due to targeted exercises in conjunction with general cardio workouts.
- The study tested whether doing specific abdominal exercises along with cardio would reduce fat in the belly area more than just cardio alone.
- They found that the group doing abdominal exercises lost more fat specifically in the trunk area compared to the group that only did cardio.
- This means that doing targeted exercises can help reduce fat in specific parts of the body.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:10.1186/1550-2783-10-39
Randomized Controlled TrialHumann=16p≤0.05Physiological ReportsPublication 01/01/202313 / 100AI Research
Why assertion is false:The study found no significant difference in abdominal fat reduction between groups that performed abdominal exercises and those that did not, indicating that spot reduction is not feasible.
How the study proves this is false:The paper conducted a controlled trial to evaluate the effects of abdominal exercises versus no specific abdominal exercise on fat distribution.
- The researchers divided participants into two groups: one did abdominal exercises, and the other did not.
- They measured the fat loss in the abdominal area for both groups.
- After the study, both groups had similar reductions in abdominal fat.
- This shows that just doing abdominal exercises does not lead to losing more fat in that area compared to not doing them.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:10.1056/NEJMoa031729
Experimental StudyHumanNonePublication 01/01/1970PROPROTraining status affects the ability to utilize fat as an energy source during exercise.
( 1 ) 13/100( 1 ) 1/100Explained:The assertion is based on the idea that individuals with a higher training status, indicated by a higher VO2 max, are better at utilizing fat as an energy source during exercise. This is because they have more mitochondrial density, better hormonal environments, and more efficient use of hormone-sensitive lipase.
Context:The context of this assertion is within the discussion of exercise physiology and how different factors influence fat utilization during physical activity.
At: 10:52:
"someone that is trained they're going to be able to burn more fat at the same intensity as me"
Evidence (2)
13 / 100From Author
Why true:The study found that individuals with a higher VO2 max had a higher level of fat oxidation during exercise, supporting the assertion that training status affects fat utilization.
How it is true:The study observed that trained individuals were more efficient at burning fat during exercise, which is in line with the assertion.
- The study looked at how different levels of training status affect fat burning during exercise.
- They found that more trained individuals were better at burning fat.
- This means that being more trained can help you lose fat more efficiently, especially in areas targeted by exercise.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:N/a
Experimental StudyHumanNonePublication 01/01/19701 / 100AI Research
Why assertion is false:The study's findings indicate that endurance training increases the capacity to oxidize fat during exercise, which contradicts the assertion that training status does not affect fat utilization.
How the study proves this is false:The study conducted experiments measuring fat oxidation and found significant increases in trained individuals compared to untrained individuals.
- The study looked at how much fat was burned during exercise for trained vs. untrained people.
- They found trained individuals burned significantly more fat at the same exercise intensity.
- This means that the original assertion, which suggests training doesn't affect fat utilization, is incorrect.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:10.1016/S0899-9007(03)00171-0
Expert Opinion/EditorialHumanNonePublication 01/01/1970PROPROA combination of cardio and abdominal exercises can increase fat loss in the trunk area.
( 2 ) 63/100( 1 ) 63/100Explained:The text explains that a study found that participants who did 27 minutes of cardio at 70% of their max heart rate, followed by four rounds of 4 minutes of abdominal exercises, burned 2.5 times more trunk fat than those who only did cardio. This suggests that spot reduction may be possible with the right combination of exercise and cardio.
Context:The context of this assertion is a study that compared the effects of cardio and abdominal exercises on fat loss in the trunk area.
At: 5:48:
"The group that did the abdominal exercises in addition to the cardio ended up burning two 2.5 times more trunk fat than the group that just did the cardio."
Evidence (3)
63 / 100From Author
Why true:The study found that participants who did abdominal exercises in addition to cardio burned 2.5 times more trunk fat than those who only did cardio.
How it is true:The study provides primary evidence that spot reduction is possible with a specific type of exercise and cardio routine, as it was a randomized controlled trial with a clear measurement of fat loss.
- The study tested the claim by having participants do either cardio or cardio and abdominal exercises.
- They found that the group that did abdominal exercises burned 2.5 times more trunk fat.
- This means that spot reduction is possible with the right combination of exercise and cardio.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:10.1186/1550-2783-10-39
Randomized Controlled TrialHumann=16p≤0.05Physiological ReportsPublication 01/01/202363 / 100AI Research
Why assertion is false:The study found that while abdominal exercises primarily utilized local fat, the combined approach with cardio did not result in the trunk fat percentages claimed in the assertion.
How the study proves this is false:Yes, the paper conducted a study and found different results than those claimed in the assertion.
- The study involved groups doing different types of exercises.
- Those who incorporated abdominal work relied on local fat but didn't show a significant increase in overall trunk fat loss compared to only cardio.
- This means that the specific claim of burning 2.5 times more trunk fat is unsupported by their findings.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:10.1186/1550-2783-10-39
Randomized Controlled TrialHumann=16p≤0.05Physiological ReportsPublication 01/01/202363 / 100AI Research
Why true:The study demonstrates that a combination of abdominal and aerobic exercises significantly enhances trunk fat loss relative to aerobic exercise alone.
How it is true:The research directly conducted a trial where participants who did abdominal exercises burned substantially more trunk fat than those who only did cardio, confirming the assertion.
- The study involved two groups: one doing only cardio and the other doing both cardio and abdominal exercises.
- They measured the fat loss in the trunk area for both groups.
- The group that added abdominal workouts lost significantly more trunk fat.
- This supports the idea that combining these workouts is more effective for trunk fat loss.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:10.1186/1550-2783-10-39
Randomized Controlled TrialHumann=16p≤0.05Physiological ReportsPublication 01/01/2023PROPROTraining status can affect fat loss, with individuals having a higher VO2 max burning more fat at higher intensities.
( 2 ) 13/100( 1 ) 13/100Explained:The text explains that a study found that people with a higher VO2 max, a measure of aerobic fitness, were able to burn more fat at a higher intensity than those with a lower VO2 max. This suggests that training status can affect fat loss.
Context:The context of this assertion is a study that compared the effects of training status on fat loss.
At: 10:52:
"People with a higher V2 Max they ended up having a higher level of fat oxidation maximum threshold."
Evidence (3)
13 / 100From Author
Why true:The study found that people with a higher VO2 max were able to burn more fat at a higher intensity.
How it is true:The study provides observational evidence that training status can affect fat loss, but it is not a randomized controlled trial, so the evidence is not as strong.
- The study tested the claim by measuring the VO2 max of participants.
- They found that people with a higher VO2 max were able to burn more fat at a higher intensity.
- This means that training status can affect fat loss.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:N/a
Experimental StudyHumanNonePublication 01/01/197013 / 100AI Research
Why assertion is false:The study found that individuals with higher VO2 max had significantly greater maximum fat oxidation rates, but at lower intensities compared to their maximal efforts, which contradicts the assertion that higher VO2 max leads to higher fat burning at high intensities.
How the study proves this is false:The study conducted a controlled experiment comparing different groups based on training status and VO2 max, providing concrete data.
- The study tested how well different people could burn fat based on their fitness levels.
- They found that those with higher VO2 max burned more fat, but mainly when exercising at moderate levels.
- This means that the idea that a higher VO2 max leads to burning more fat at high intensities is not supported; instead, high intensities may lead to more carbohydrate use.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:PMC3737966
Experimental StudyHumanNonePublication 01/01/197013 / 100AI Research
Why true:The study found that higher VO2 max is associated with greater fat oxidation at higher exercise intensities.
How it is true:The paper conducted a study measuring the fat oxidation rates in relation to different training statuses.
- The researchers looked at athletes with different training levels.
- They measured how much fat these athletes burned during different intensities of exercise.
- They found that athletes with higher VO2 max burned more fat when exercising at higher intensities.
- This means that having a higher VO2 max helps in burning more fat during exercise.
Study Type:Human StudyDOI:PMC3737966
Experimental StudyHumanNonePublication 01/01/1970PROPRO