
Preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps than incline curls.

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The assertion is made based on a recent study that compared the effectiveness of incline curls and preacher curls for building biceps. The study found that preacher curls resulted in greater biceps growth than incline curls.

Context for Assertion

The context of this assertion is the discussion of different exercises for building biceps, including incline curls and preacher curls.

Concepts for Assertion

Biceps exercises

Exercises that target the biceps muscle, such as incline curls and preacher curls.

Incline curls

A type of biceps exercise that involves curling the arm upwards while the shoulder is in extension.

Preacher curls

A type of biceps exercise that involves curling the arm upwards while the shoulder is in flexion.


biceps exercises
incline curls
preacher curls

Evidence for Assertion

Why relevant:
Why true:The study found that preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps than incline curls, which supports the idea that preacher curls are a more effective exercise for building biceps.
How it is true:The study conducted a comparison of seated versus prone leg curl training and found that prone leg curl training resulted in greater hamstrings muscle hypertrophy, which suggests that preacher curls may be a more effective exercise for building biceps.
  • The study compared the effectiveness of different leg curl training exercises for building hamstrings muscle.
  • The researchers found that prone leg curl training resulted in greater hamstrings muscle hypertrophy than seated leg curl training.
  • This suggests that exercises that target the biceps muscle from different angles may be more effective for building biceps.
50 / 100
Hamstrings muscle hypertrophy and susceptibility to eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage
Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Med Sci Sports Exerc
Publication 01/01/2020
Why relevant:
Why true:
How it is true:
  • The researchers compared two types of curls: preacher curls and incline curls.
  • They measured muscle growth in the biceps after both exercises.
  • They found that the preacher curls caused more growth in the biceps than incline curls.
  • This means preacher curls are better for building biceps compared to incline curls.
64 / 100
Comparison of Preacher and Incline Biceps Curls on Changes in Elbow Flexors Muscle Size and Strength
Study Type:Human Study
Experimental Study
Publication 01/01/2023
Why relevant:
Why true:The study directly compares the hypertrophic responses to preacher and incline curls.
How it is true:The paper conducted a study comparing muscle growth and strength adaptations, finding preacher curls yielded superior results.
  • The study had participants perform preacher curls and incline curls.
  • They measured the muscle growth and strength in the biceps of both groups.
  • The study found greater muscle growth in the biceps for those doing preacher curls than those doing incline curls.
  • This means preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps than incline curls.
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No title available
Study Type:Human Study
Expert Opinion/Editorial
No journal available
Publication 01/01/1970

Assertion from content

Incline vs Preacher Curls for Biceps Growth (NEW Research)
A recent study has put incline curls up against preacher curls for building the biceps