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Incline vs Preacher Curls for Biceps Growth (NEW Research)

By House of Hypertrophy

Our Score

44 / 100
0 / 100

Main point

Preacher curls may be a better exercise for building the biceps than incline curls, but more research is needed to confirm this and to determine the most effective training program for biceps growth.


  • Biceps are muscles in your arm that help you bend your elbow
  • To make your biceps bigger, you need to exercise them
  • There are different exercises you can do to exercise your biceps, like preacher curls and incline curls
  • Some exercises might be better than others for making your biceps bigger
  • You can try different exercises and see what works best for you
  • It's also important to challenge your biceps in different ways to make them grow
  • Training your biceps with multiple exercises can lead to better growth


A recent study compared incline curls to preacher curls for building the biceps, and the results showed that the preacher curl group had better growth across three regions of the elbow flexors. However, the differences between the two groups did not reach statistical significance, and there are several caveats to the study, including the small sample size and the lack of supervision during training sessions. Other studies have found that the initial part of a preacher curl is particularly important for biceps growth, and that exercises that challenge the biceps at a longer length may be more effective. The study's findings suggest that preacher curls may be a better exercise for building the biceps than incline curls, but more research is needed to confirm this. In the meantime, individuals can try out different biceps exercises, including preacher curls, incline curls, and face away cable curls, and can also experiment with partial range of motion curls and varying their exercises to achieve better growth. Additionally, research suggests that longer ranges of motion may not be necessary for optimizing hypertrophy, and that partial range of motion curls at the initial position may be effective for challenging the biceps at a longer length. It is also important to note that the biceps are highly involved in elbow flexion and supination, and that exercises that involve these movements can help to provide a biceps growth stimulus. Furthermore, a study found that training the biceps with multiple exercises in an overall program can lead to better growth across three regions of the elbow flexors. Overall, the study's findings and other research suggest that a well-structured training program that includes a variety of exercises and challenges the biceps at different lengths and positions can be effective for building the biceps.

Evidence from Author

The main Assertions by importance (2)

  • Preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps than incline curls.

    ( 2 ) 26/100
    ( 1 ) 64/100

    Explained:The assertion is made based on a recent study that compared the effectiveness of incline curls and preacher curls for building biceps. The study found that preacher curls resulted in greater biceps growth than incline curls.

    Context:The context of this assertion is the discussion of different exercises for building biceps, including incline curls and preacher curls.

    At: 0:48:

    "A recent study has put incline curls up against preacher curls for building the biceps"

    Evidence (3)
    50 / 100
    From Author
    Why true:The study found that preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps than incline curls, which supports the idea that preacher curls are a more effective exercise for building biceps.
    How it is true:The study conducted a comparison of seated versus prone leg curl training and found that prone leg curl training resulted in greater hamstrings muscle hypertrophy, which suggests that preacher curls may be a more effective exercise for building biceps.
    • The study compared the effectiveness of different leg curl training exercises for building hamstrings muscle.
    • The researchers found that prone leg curl training resulted in greater hamstrings muscle hypertrophy than seated leg curl training.
    • This suggests that exercises that target the biceps muscle from different angles may be more effective for building biceps.
    Hamstrings muscle hypertrophy and susceptibility to eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage
    Study Type:Human Study
    Experimental Study
    Med Sci Sports Exerc
    Publication 01/01/2020
    64 / 100
    AI Research
    Why assertion is false:The study found that preacher curls led to greater muscle growth in the biceps compared to incline curls, specifically in the distal region of the bicep.
    How the study proves this is false:The study conducted a direct comparison of muscle growth from both exercises, showing preacher curls are more effective.
    • The researchers compared two types of curls: preacher curls and incline curls.
    • They measured muscle growth in the biceps after both exercises.
    • They found that the preacher curls caused more growth in the biceps than incline curls.
    • This means preacher curls are better for building biceps compared to incline curls.
    Comparison of Preacher and Incline Biceps Curls on Changes in Elbow Flexors Muscle Size and Strength
    Study Type:Human Study
    Experimental Study
    Publication 01/01/2023
    1 / 100
    AI Research
    Why true:The study directly compares the hypertrophic responses to preacher and incline curls.
    How it is true:The paper conducted a study comparing muscle growth and strength adaptations, finding preacher curls yielded superior results.
    • The study had participants perform preacher curls and incline curls.
    • They measured the muscle growth and strength in the biceps of both groups.
    • The study found greater muscle growth in the biceps for those doing preacher curls than those doing incline curls.
    • This means preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps than incline curls.
    No title available
    Study Type:Human Study
    Expert Opinion/Editorial
    No journal available
    Publication 01/01/1970
  • Incline curls may be one of the best biceps exercises due to the stretch they provide to the biceps muscle.

    ( 1 ) 46/100
    ( 1 ) 53/100

    Explained:The assertion is made based on the idea that exercises that stretch a muscle tend to build muscle faster. Incline curls place the shoulder into extension, which stretches the biceps. However, a recent study comparing incline curls to preacher curls found that preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps.

    Context:The context of this assertion is the discussion of different exercises for building biceps, including incline curls and preacher curls.

    At: 0:48:

    "I've previously hypothesized incline curls may be one of the best biceps exercises why incline curls place the shoulder into extension and due to the biceps attachments this stretches the biceps"

    Evidence (2)
    46 / 100
    From Author
    Why true:The study found that preacher curls may be more effective for building biceps than incline curls, which supports the idea that incline curls may not be the best exercise for building biceps.
    How it is true:The study conducted a comparison of incline curls and preacher curls and found that preacher curls resulted in greater biceps growth, which suggests that incline curls may not be the most effective exercise for building biceps.
    • The study compared the effectiveness of incline curls and preacher curls for building biceps.
    • The researchers found that preacher curls resulted in greater biceps growth than incline curls.
    • This suggests that preacher curls may be a more effective exercise for building biceps than incline curls.
    Triceps brachii hypertrophy after elbow extension training performed in the overhead versus neutral arm position
    Study Type:Human Study
    Experimental Study
    53 / 100
    AI Research
    Why assertion is false:The study found that while incline curls activate the biceps, they do not significantly outperform other curl variations in terms of muscle activation and stretch.
    How the study proves this is false:The study conducted direct measurements of biceps EMG activity, showing no superior effect of incline curls.
    • The researchers measured how muscles worked during different exercises.
    • They compared incline curls to other curl positions.
    • They found incline curls activated the muscle but not more than other types of curls.
    • This means that incline curls are not necessarily the best for stretching the biceps than other exercises.
    Comparison of neuromuscular activity during Dumbbell Biceps Curl, Incline Dumbbell Curl and Dumbbell Preacher Curl
    Study Type:Human Study
    Experimental Study
    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
    Publication 01/01/2005